star wars wedding asheville

Are these the vows you’re looking for?

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As the new Star Wars movie release draws near, the frenzy continues to grow, reaching into the farthest corners of the universe, including your wedding plans.  Incorporating Star Wars touches to your wedding can be as simple as adding R2-D2 & C3PO cake toppers to dancing with lightsabers and all-out Jedi vs Sith battle re-enactments – and everything in-between.

I always encourage my couples to include those elements into their ceremony that are most meaningful and authentic to them, for at the end of the day, it doesn’t  matter whether you believe in the The Force or a good blaster at your side.  The most important thing is that you have been true to yourselves and a good time was had by all.   

I would be thrilled to officiate your inter-gallactic marriage ceremony and of course, would be happy to dress the part. Please contact me to secure your date in time for the Big Premiere.

For Star Wars wedding theme ideas, read the related articles below:

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